Our life has been changing lately. One good change is that I was officially offered a job promotion yesterday. Yea! Wonder how life will be in a new role at work... The hubbs and I decided to celebrate. I was so tired after a long day at work....and it most certainly was a LONG day... that we almost didn't go out at all. We got home and while deciding what to do and recapping our days with each other, the Boog fell asleep and so did I. We finallly decided on a movie. I got a babysitter and we swung by, dropped the Boog off ,and high tailed it to the movies. We were really late....I decided I needed a hotdog because we hadn't eaten yet and then there were no decent seats left of course. We ended up on the FRONT row!!! I am farsighted. I was so close to the screen that everytime the camera moved too fast I got SOOO dizzy. Oh well. It was so packed that a group of several girls came in and asked me to move over a seat. Normally I wouldn't care at all...but I was already grumpy about the situation and don't ya know as I moved to the other side of the Hubbs I dropped my hotdog on the floor....figures after the day I had..Friday the 13th and all...We watched Eat,Pray,Love. I was anxious to see it. I must say when it was over I was left sort of unsettled and confused. the Hubbs and I talked about it as we left the parking lot. He liked it. I guess it wasn't what I expected it to be. Or...maybe I identify with the main character too much... I don't know. I think I would like to see it again before I decide it I Love or Hate this one. Overall thunbs up date inspite of the hotdog and seating.
Today The Boog is going to get his FIRST ever haircut. :( I know he needs one. Everywhere we go people comment on how pretty my baby GIRL is....and I say thank you and let it go or if they ask how old or something... I say HE is 1yr old. Oh well, what can I say, he's is kinda pretty.
lovin' this weekend!
1 comment:
Congrats on starting the blog and the NEW promo at work! :) - Have a great week!
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